New Client/Patient Form
Thank you for trusting HP Dog & Cat Clinic to care for your pet. So that we may become better acquainted, please complete the following.
Owner 1
Owner 2
Current Address
Contact Info
Work Info
General Info
Patient Info
Pet #1
Dog: Cat:
Male: Female:
Spayed: Neutered: None:
Pet #2
Dog: Cat:
Male: Female:
Spayed: Neutered: None:

Payment Policy: FULL PAYMENT IS EXPECTED UPON RENDERING OF SERVICES. Deposits are required on major/surgical cases, trauma cases, and emergency work where hospitalization is required. Outstanding balances on accounts may result in account information being sent to a collection agency.

Please, complete the form. We cannot service you until you have completed the form and have received a confirmation number. Please, check-in at the door and have your confirmation number ready and someone will check you in. Wait could be up to 90 minutes or less. Please wait in your car until you are called. Thank you.